From Burnout to Bliss

If you have been chasing success in your business, working as hard as you possibly can and you still struggle to make ends meet, there’s a good chance that you’re unknowingly pushing success away.

Let me explain: after an excruciatingly painful journey through running a business that felt like I was pushing a boulder up a hill, I finally realized this wasn’t the way success is meant to be.

Today I want to share with you why the wealthiest you is also the healthiest you, so you can create massive success personally, professionally and financially without all the unnecessary hustle and grind.

How I hit rock bottom

About 18 months ago, I hit my breaking point. I had been hustling to build and grow my business for 3 years with almost no time off or vacation. I felt drained and burned out, with no end in sight and no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I also felt really unhappy with my relationships, uncomfortable in my body and insecure about my career and my finances. Basically, I had gotten really, really far away from everything that I enjoyed and everything  that I liked about myself and my life.

I was chasing what I thought I should want: a high-pressure consulting business where I built marketing assets for entrepreneurs and companies.

I had a complete meltdown, finally crumbling under the immense and inescapable pressure I had put on myself. I felt like I was failing at everything in my life.

37 Levels of Awesome

Once I hit rock bottom, and felt how truly, deeply unhappy I was with myself and my life, I gained a powerful insight: there are 37 levels of awesome, and I was at level 1.

This little voice inside of me told me that my life could be 37 times more awesome, 37 times more amazing, and 37 times more blissful than it was in that moment.

My intuition was shouting at me, frantically trying to explain that there was much, much, much more out there for me to enjoy.

I decided right then and there: I have to stop ALL OF THIS, and I have to start living differently, right fucking now.

Recovering From Burnout

I was weak, I felt defeated and emotionally wrecked.

I started changing my morning routine. At first I just started with hydrating and stretching my body first thing. Then I added Pilates in, which fired up my mind-body connection and gave me lots of energy to power through the day.

I started eating healthier foods, and I started practicing daily written affirmations. I spent time soul-searching, reading personal development books, and deeply examining my hidden beliefs and how they were secretly controlling my life.

All of these changes led me to discover a metric ton of inner power that I never even knew I had inside of me.

Redefining Success

Once I started to lean into the belief that my life could be easier, much more relaxed and way more fun, my life started to change in a major way.

I now feel like I live a very rich, relaxed and blissful life.

But it’s no accident. 

I had to hit rock bottom to become aware that this kind of life was also on the table, and then I had to lean into that belief and recommit to choosing this life every single day since then.

Not only can you have everything you have ever wanted, you are supposed to have it!

The more you avoid the things you love, the more they’ll chase you around.

Life gets a whole lot easier, way more fun and so much more abundant when you lean into what feels good.

This is the true source of your personal, professional and financial wealth, not all the other stuff you think you should want, but really don’t.

Once I started to take much better care of myself, and put myself first with an awesome morning routine, I was able to increase my income by 15X in 12 months.

So if you’ve been craving professional and financial success, stability and freedom for a while, you might just be looking for success in the wrong places.

Success doesn’t lie outside of yourself, and neither does material wealth. It all comes from what you believe is possible and the way you treat yourself, which attracts every single thing that comes into your life.

The healthiest & happiest version of you is the wealthiest version of you. 

It’s all connected, and it all starts with you.